It is so funny how as a mom you catch yourself treating your child a certain way because they are a boy or a girl. I remember a few months ago Austin and I getting ready to go out for an evening walk and it barely drizzling and he and I went. I remember talking to myself in my head saying it's fine he's a boy and boys can't get a little dirty and wet. Now if we had a girl I don't think I would have continued with the walk. Why is that? Who knows I am probably the only weird person that thinks like that...well I am a girl so I guess that might explain some of it. Haha. So tonight David had a soccer game at Clements High School which is far away I hear so Austin and I just hung out at the house. I decided to be a crazy mom again and snap a 100 pictures of him so tonight we did our coach's son poses. Towards the end I was showing Austin how to actually use the whistle and he was able to blow it once which was very exciting. Austin also learned tonight how to say Dada. He has been saying Mama for a little bit now so we have been trying to get him to say Dada. I think he has really learned how to say it from his friend Barrett at school because every day when I pick up Austin Barrett always points and says Daddy to his dad. Austin loves his friends at school!