Sunday, October 31, 2010

Why is time going by so quickly?

What has happened to my life? It is amazing how now after having two boys (I guess really 3 including David) my life is playing on fast forward. I love my life but am not in love with how quickly everything is going by. I try my hardest to live in every moment because my boys are a constant reminder that today is precious and they will only be small for a little while. It seems like just as soon as I put away the football for the monthly photo I am getting it back out. I guess the good news is that they still are at the age where I am their momma. Austin was going through a phase where he was calling me mommy which made me sad because it was yet another sign that he was growing up but the past few days I have been momma. It's the small things but I will be honest and have loved being momma again. Here are just a few pictures I have taken lately showing how big my babies are getting.

Austin just waking up from his nap not feeling like being a part of mommy's photo shoot.
Don't smile Austin!
Now we're awake and ready!
Brotherly love.
Love this photo. He looks like a doll to me. So handsome!
I feel like this should be his school photo. Haha!
And there they are...his TWO bottom teeth!
Chewing on his hand to help get more teeth to come through.

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