Monday, May 10, 2010

Hunter is ONE MONTH old!

Wow! Is it possible that a month has already gone by? It seems like having a second one the time is going by even quicker. I think it is because you know what milestones happen and when and you quickly realize oh my goodness next month he will ______. Hunter has been a great baby! He LOVES to eat and LOVES to be awake. Austin never really used his time trying to be awake and learning about his world but Hunter LOVES it. I think he is trying to scope everything out so that he has a fair chance with his big brother. Haha. The only time he really gets mad is when he is hungry and when he is "trying" to poop. I guess you could also say he has some gas issues. Austin never really had those so it is a new experience for me. I still don't understand why Hunter has to turn bright red to poop "liquid". He doesn't do it all the time but when he's mad he does. Other times right before he poops he makes his Mr. Burns (from the Simpson's) face.

So far the similarities between Austin and Hunter are: both LOVED to be held (Austin never really experienced anything different as he was our first), both peed on their parents (Hunter did it first though and didn't wait till we got home did it in the hospital), and both didn't like getting out of the bath (who can blame them it's cold getting out of a tub) .

The differences between Austin and Hunter are: Hunter is smaller than Austin (I think he will catch up quickly though because he is a better eater than Austin was), Hunter spends more time awake (Austin was like his momma and would rather sleep), Hunter will sometimes poop during diaper changes (new experience for sure...Austin never did this).

Here is a photo of both boys at one month old. I think Hunter is beginning to look like his own person. I mean they are similar and definitely looked identical at birth but now Hunter is becoming his own little person.

Hunter at ONE MONTH old.
Austin at ONE MONTH old.

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